Peer Reviewed Studies

Peter Greenlaw

Peter Greenlaw, “researcher of researchers,” has shared valuable insights through co-authored books and over 1,500 global lectures. He introduced The TDOS Syndrome, linking toxicity, nutrition deficiency, overweight, and stress to energy, sleep, stress, and weight gain. Peter is producing “The Greenlaw Report,” featuring health scientists, medical experts, and researchers. He is a frequent guest on various media platforms, including ABC Windy City Live and Fox Los Angeles.

Interview on ABC Windy City Show

In this video, you’ll see the interview with The Researcher of Researchers, Peter Greenlaw featuring his first Best Selling book . “Why Diets Are Failing Us” as he discusses the harmful effects of toxins on the human body. Click the link below to view the interview.

Discovery of TDOS Syndrome

Peter Greenlaw media Interview about the discovery of TDOS Syndrome and the main cause of weight gain.

Marco Ruggiero explains the incubation process.

Marco Ruggiero, a globally acclaimed oncologist and molecular biologist, elucidates the incubation procedure responsible for achieving an unprecedented 300% increase in amino acid absorption compared to any previously tested protein. This remarkable phenomenon is referred to as the Net Nitrogen Utilization (NNU) test, which assesses the percentage of Amino Acid Utilization (Amino Acid Absorption) within the human body. Watch the full interview below.
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